Numero monografico in onore di Gerhard Dammann

Vi segnaliamo il numero monografico della rivista tedesca "PTT - Persönlichkeitsstörungen: Theorie und Therapie" in onore del dott. Gerhard Dammann.
Issue 4, November 2020, Volume 24 "Schizoid personality disorder"
DOI: 10.21706/ptt-24-4
Buchheim, Anna
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Pp. 257-259
Kernberg, Otto F.
The psychodynamics and treatment of schizoid personality disorder
Pp. 262-271
Holler, Petra; Dazzi, Sergio
The Difficulty of Forming an Image
The Treatment of Schizoid Disorders in Psychoanalytic Supervision
Pp. 272-293
Grimmer, Bernhard
The paranoid-schizoid and the depressive position
Changing functional levels in the course of psychotherapy
Pp. 294-302
Benecke, Cord; Henkel, Miriam; Müller, Steffen
Schizoid and emotion
Pp. 303-309
Wernz, Corinna
Measuring the world
The inner objects of schizoid people and the struggle for a common perspective
Pp. 310-319
Gündel, Harald
Schizoidie and connecting lines to alexithymia and the pensée opératoire
Pp. 320-326
Buchheim, Peter
Memories and appreciation of the collaboration with Gerhard Dammann from 1995 to 2000 in Munich working groups
Pp. 327-332
Pp. 333-335